Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Black Banks River 1

One of my favorite things to paint are reflections in quiet water. There is just a magical dance that happens between the light, the sky, the water and the colors. The Black Banks river is a wonderful place to capture this magic!

Black Banks River 1
10" x 14"- oil

Monday, December 26, 2011

Snow Day !

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!!! For everyone who was dreaming of a "White Christmas", here is my version. Even though we are enjoying a mild winter (so far), we can always hope for a white Christmas next year!
Snow Day!
5" x 7"- oil

Sunday, December 11, 2011


This is a painting of the front entrance to our family's vacaton place. We have enjoyed it since 1974, and continue to enjoy it year round. I know my nephews like being here as it always makes for a great house party... and what goes on here, stays here... Good times!!!
5" x 7"- oil

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Turquoise Mouse

I decided to have one more go at painting this catnip mouse. It really is fun to paint, but my cat "Beauty" has become annoyed that I have her favorite toy. I am getting a bit concerned as I overheard her saying something about my favorite shoes, and about not getting mad... but getting even.  Perhaps an offering of tuna or half & half can smooth things over- I hope.
Turquoise Mouse
6" x 8"- oil

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kitty Time!

Years ago, I was on a business trip in Germany with my family and some business associates. One day, we had some free time to shop, and I found this little timer in a kitchen shop in Cologne.  This little guy has such "pur-r-r-sonality", that it struck me as something that would be fun to paint... so I did!
Kitty Time!
6" x 6" - oil