Saturday, August 24, 2013

St. Simons Island May Morning

I love painting my favorite place St. Simons Island, Georgia. It never ceases to amaze me how much natural beauty is there. One morning last May, I was there, and was captivated by the vivid blue sky, and the very white clouds. The trees of the Island are always amazing in their mystery of shapes and the delicate Spanish Moss that drapes from them.
St. Simons Island May Morning
8 x 8- Oil

Friday, August 16, 2013

Painting with Passion

I have just returned from a wonderful 3-day workshop in Chattanooga, Tennessee with artist Dreama Tolle Perry. In addition to having a ton of fun and meeting a neat group of like-minded painter gals, I am learning to honor and paint my passions. (Interesting to note that Steve Jobs was a huge believer in doing what you are passionalt about.) Anyway, here is one of my inspirations. I hope you enjoy the painting!
What do you mean "Get off of the Clean Laundry!"?
8 x 10 - Oil

Sunday, August 4, 2013

New Items

Hi - I don't know where the summer has gone!
 I haver been painting, but not posting much. Sometimes, I find the creative process takes a detour. I have been exploring some ideas this summer, and I will be sharing more of them with you in future posts. Today, I want to share my newly printed of notecards. These are reproductions of some of my most popular paintings. There are 4 images (2 of each) for a set of 8 notecards and envelopes. They make great gifts! I hope you like them. You can purchase them on my website
 Look under the category "Other Items". They measure approximately 4.5" x 5.5".