Monday, May 21, 2012

I am back!!!

I decided it was time to update my skills and learn some new things... after all, that is one of the fun things in life, trying and learning new things... right? Currently, I am redoing my website, giving it a fresh new look and showing new work. Also, I have started a new series of small paintings. Each painting is an up close view of a flower, and I will be blogging about these paintings. Did you know that there is a message and a meaning for each flower? Finally, I want to introduce you to my newest family member. 
Her name is "Missy" and she is 4 1/2 months old. She is a Tonkinese, and is full of fun!
I look forward to sharing my art, new website and "Missy's" adventures with you! 

Meet "Missy"... the mischevious Tonkinese!
She is Tonkinese if you please,
She is Tonkinese if you don't please...