Monday, July 30, 2012

Pink Tulips 1

I love tulips! They remind me of my friend Jan (who also loves tulips). I met Jan when I moved into the sorority house at UGA, and was assigned to live in "The Blue Room". When I was at The University of Georgia, I remember always looking forward to buying a pot of red tulips at the end of January to bring back to the sorority house where they would brighten any place you put them. .. So very welcome during the dreary days of winter quarter.  Pink tulips stand for "Happiness, Confidence and Caring"... all qualities I associate with my great friends I made at UGA.
Pink Tulips 1
Oil - 8 x 8

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Agapanthus (a.k.a. Lilly of the Nile)

This beautiful blue flower is the AG-A-PAN-THUS... otherwise known as the "Lilly of the Nile". I first encountered these exotic looking blooms at Sea Island. My sister and I were taking a bike ride, and she pointed them out. My sister is an avid gardener and knew the correct name (agapanthus). I had to practice a few times before I could pronounce it correctly. 
When I decided to paint an agapanthus, I looked up it's "meaning", it turns out it means "flower of love". Well... I love it, and it's cool blue color!
Agapanthus (a.k.a. Lilly of the Nile)
Oil - 6 x 6

Friday, July 6, 2012

Motherly Love

Today's painting is of impatiens... those lovely small colorful flowers that we see in the shady spots in the summer. They come back every year, as they re-seed themselves when they finish blooming. They are good until the first frost. The meaning attributed to impatiens is "Motherly Love"... and today happens to be my dear Mom's birthday. So... Happy Birthday Mom!!!... Thank you for all you do!!! You are the best and I love you!
Motherly Love
Oil- 6 x 6

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Moonflower 1

The Moonflower is one of the most magical and romantic plants you can have in your garden. They bloom in the evening, and can be very fragrant. (They have even been known to bloom on overcast days.) Once, the sun comes up though, they fade and go away after blooming all night. They are related to the Morning Glory, which blooms in the morning! 
The meaning of the Moonflower is "Dreaming of love".
Moonflower 1
Oil - 6 x 6